A few years ago, I was browsing the internet and began to see more and more references to blogs and blogging. After a bit of additional investigation, I discovered exactly what a blog was and how to build one for myself. After some more research, I learned about ways to possibly profit from the creation and maintenance of a blog. Google Adsense, for instance, seemed to hold real possibility for revenue production.
It was an exciting idea. I could create and easily maintain a dynamic web site on the subject of my choice and make some money at the same time! I dove in headfirst.
I enjoyed writing in the blog and tweaking with its layout. In time, I was sure, the blog would “take off” and earnings would start to compile. I was wrong.
I had everything: good content, a popular topic and well-placed advertising. Nothing was happening. The reason: few visitors.
Even after adopting some of the frequently recommended methods of generating content, my blog was still only producing a few cents a day--on its best days!
I abandoned my blog. Over the next several months, I would occasionally return to my research on blogging and money making. I kept noticing articles about those making real money with blogs and Adsense. My first experience had been a failure, but I was beginning to learn why.
I compiled my research, went through it carefully, and devised a plan of action for a new blog. Within thirty days of the blog’s launch, I earned my first Adsense check. One month later, my check was for over four hundred dollars! Since then, I have added a few more blogs to my personal “network” and continue to post consistent earnings.
What was the difference between my first failed experiment and my subsequent success? The content was not better. In fact, I think my original blog was probably a better read. The design was only marginally better. The difference was traffic. I had found a way to create blogs that attract visitors.
That system of traffic production has some great applications. Of course, it can make blogging profitable for those who use Adsense or other advertising tools. Just as importantly, it can create an audience. Most of us who write blogs do so in order to say something to others. A blog may be an online diary for some people, but even many of them want to share those thoughts with the world.
I believe blogging can be fun, therapeutic, profitable and more. All it requires is having something to say, saying it the right way and helping people find the end result.
This ebook focuses primarily on helping people to find your blog and on convincing them to stop by to read what you have to offer. It outlines some powerful ways of creating blog traffic and should help any blog develop a readership. It is a guide to traffic generation. It does not discuss Adsense techniques or some other aspects of operating a profitable blog, so it should be of value to both those who are looking at blogging as an entrepreneurial pursuit and those who are more interested simply in sharing ideas with others. I hope you find it valuable and that you can find an audience for your blog.

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